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Posted by Chinese Emenent on May Fri 2nd 11:04 AM - Never Expires
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  2. Posted @
  5. Bundy Ranch indicates Chinese emenent domain is in fact reality
  7.  The story goes like this - In 2009 Hillary went to China
  8. and made all sorts of promises to get China to secure more
  9. American debt by buying U.S. treasury bonds, and if America
  10. ever defaulted, China would get vast tracts of American land.
  11. I don't know if you know about the  Escalante staircase land
  12. grab, (read that one, it's great) but I suggest you look into
  13. it if you never heard of it, that land grab would be a definite
  14. precursor to what may be going on now. Anyway, The rumor had it
  15. in 2009 that China would get to act militarily to secure American
  16. lands put up as collateral to secure American debt. And it was
  17. widely reported as a hoax by many mainstream news sites, but
  18. alternative news sites held their ground and said the following
  19. is true. This is the story that started it all, in 2009. I do not
  20. know one way or the other about whether or not any of this is
  21. true, but I will state that it is very suspicious that China is
  22. in the mix out at Bundy Ranch, and therefore despite this not
  23. being confirmed, I really think people should know about it
  25.  Sources at the United States Embassy in Beijing China have
  26. just CONFIRMED to me that the United States of America has
  27. tendered to China a written agreement which grants to the
  28. People's Republic of China, an option to exercise Eminent
  29. Domain within the USA, as collateral for China's continued
  30. purchase of US Treasury Notes and existing US Currency reserves.
  32.  The written agreement was brought to Beijing by Secretary of
  33. State Hillary Clinton and was formalized and agreed-to during
  34. her recent trip to China.
  36.  This means that in the event the US Government defaults on its
  37. financial obligations to China, the Communist Government of China
  38. would be permitted to physically take -- inside the USA -- land,
  39. buildings, factories, perhaps even entire cities - to satisfy the
  40. financial obligations of the US government.
  42.  Put simply, the feds have now actually mortgaged the physical
  43. land and property of all citizens and businesses in the United
  44. States. They have given to a foreign power, their Constitutional
  45. power to "take" all of our property, as actual collateral for
  46. continued Chinese funding of US deficit spending and the continued
  47. carrying of US national debt.
  49.  My response: This may or may not be true, but I ask the reader to
  50. consider something - it is easily concluded fact that the Federal
  51. government hates the nation and wants it destroyed. This is why
  52. illegals are being allowed up into America unchecked, all the
  53. while they get first class medical care at our expense no questions
  54. asked while Americans get the shaft via the "affordable care" act.
  56.  Many other examples of government hatred for the American people
  57. abound, from tainted vaccines to ridiculous taxes to family courts
  58. that absolutely eviscerate men, all the way down to items such as
  59. deep water horizon, haarp drougts and Bundy ranch. There is no
  60. doubt the Federal government, with it's intentionally sabotaged
  61. Common Core education that is no doubt geared to destroy the future
  62. of this nation would find it outside of reach to pledge American
  63. lands to china while they death smash this country into a permanent
  64. black hole. I find the above to be very plausible and though the
  65. above cannot be definitively confirmed, Bundy Ranch and the rest
  66. of these BLM land grabs sure look bad after reading that.
  68.  This is a response I sent out to a mail I received which is worthy
  69. of posting. It is a little disjointed if you did not see the preceeding
  70. mail, but there are a lot of good points here in condensed form
  71. Don't sweat anything. Just don't vaccinate. And don't get caught
  72. in all the rumor traps, it's all simple -
  74.  Eat meat and potoatoes every day, eggs and toast for breakfast,
  75. the same diet America became great on and you won't have problems.
  76. If you want to store food, just buy the same stuff you always eat
  77. in cans and jars and bags, don't waste money on so called "emergency
  78. kits".
  80.  If it comes down to it, people can eat cat food but never dog food
  81. because dog food is a much lower grade and will eventually cause
  82. brain decay. (this is because dogs can take scrapie infected animals,
  83. which get mixed in with everything else in the final wash, and not
  84. get a prion induced encephalothopy disease. Cats can't ward off the
  85. prions and neither can people. So people and cats get much better
  86. food.)
  88.  The best source of non GMO seeds on the planet is old fashioned
  89. pop corn in one pound bags, it is shipped live and plantable.
  91.  The bottom line with practically everything is if it comes across
  92. the mainstream media it is a lie. The nanobot report is verified
  93. accurate, I am not kidding when I say that was vetted by a doctorate
  94. of pharmacology, the same one who co wrote Tainted Nightmare. It is
  95. simply modeled around a bacteriophage which would normally never
  96. attack people, and modified to look the way it does.
  98.  And I'd like you to do something for verification the vaccines
  99. are bad. Something that will prove it to you in no uncertain terms.
  101.  Go to Wal Mart and look at the children in the check out line
  102. (the age group that sits in the shopping carts). They usually all
  103. have blank stares now, and when you do something to make them
  104. laugh or smile, they don't respond anymore. Walk the check outs
  105. until you see a kid who is totally engaged with people, smiling,
  106. bright and acting intelligently. Ask the mom if she vaccinated
  107. her baby, and if she says yes, ask if she is Jewish. If she says
  108. no, then ask if she is from a foreign country and never vaccinated
  109. in America. You will be surprised, I have discovered this is a
  110. great way to figure out who is Jewish or who is foreign.
  112.  I never figured out the method, but I can definitely state that
  113. somehow, "they" do not get the same shots.
  115. James
  117. April 29 2014

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