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Posted by Another Banker D on April Sat 5th 9:25 PM - Never Expires
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  1. Another Banker Deaded
  5. Dead Laren former banker and family
  6. Police have confirmed Saturday that former CEO Jan Peter
  7. Schmittmann ABN Amro , his wife (57 ) and their daughter
  8. ( 22 ) came from a family drama in their home in Laren.
  9. Killed
  11. The other daughter of the family was not home , police said .
  13. An acquaintance of the family alerted police Saturday .
  14. Police found the bodies of the three and has since been
  15. engaged in research into the events at the villa to the
  16. High Hoefloo .
  18. ABM Amro
  20. Schmittmann worked between 1983 and 2009 at ABN Amro and
  21. eventually worked his way up to chairman in the Netherlands
  22. in 2003. He made that ABN Amro was bought by a consortium
  23. of Royal Bank of Scotland , Santander and Fortis . He was
  24. allowed to stay , but still lost his job when ABN Amro
  25. was nationalized .
  27. After the nationalization former Finance Minister Wouter
  28. Bos went to court to prevent Schmittmann would get 16
  29. million euros . Severance pay them ABN Amro wanted to
  30. give him up to 2.4 million euros . Eventually Schmittmann
  31. got 8 million.
  33. The house located in a residential area , by an investigation
  34. team investigated what exactly happened . The part of the
  35. street in front of the villa is spacious dropped and there
  36. are many cars of forensic investigators , who are already
  37. busy for hours .
  39. shocked
  41. Mayor Elbert Roest Laren is deeply shocked by the family
  42. drama Saturday in his church. '' It is a terrible event
  43. that deeply affects society in Laren . It is an unimaginable
  44. grief that this family has to process . Our sympathy goes
  45. out to the people, we wish them much strength '' , he says
  46. in a statement .
  48. The mayor is in contact with close family of three dead
  49. family members to provide support.

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