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Posted by n00dl mad on March Tue 29th 7:39 PM - Never Expires
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  1. Preamble:
  4. Talk:
  5. <21:45:04> "maqzek": wat de prob n00dl
  6. <21:45:10> "maqzek": y close thred 4 every1
  7. <21:45:24> "maqzek": if ur pisd, quit forum
  8. <21:45:26> "maqzek": not close thred
  9. <21:45:36> "maqzek": i was havin discusion wid woody
  10. <21:45:48> "maqzek": den u jus com in nd close it
  11. <21:46:23> "maqzek": SO WAT DE PROB
  12. <21:46:29> "maqzek": QUIT ND MOVE ON
  14. (he basicly sez hes fed up or sumtin along thos lins, als0 admited 2 bein mad)
  16. <21:46:31> You were banned permanently from the server by "The Noodle"
  17. <21:46:31> Disconnected from server

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